Association Guide

A word from the Chairman of the Board


Makoto Takahashi
Chairman of the Board


The Telecommunications Carriers Association was established in 1987 with the aim of contributing to the sound development of the telecommunications business and to improved convenience for the people by addressing common issues faced by telecommunications carriers.


Now, in the post-Corona era, Japanese economy is on the road to recovery after 30 years of stagnation since the bubble period. In this environment, digital transformation (DX) is one of the main pillars for achieving sustainable growth. With the advancement of information and communications technology(ICT), such as 5G & Beyond 5G and generative AI, DX is expected to continue to evolve and develop, further promoting improvements in work processes and efficiency, the creation of new businesses, economic growth, and more.


With the aim of the promotion and popularization of DX, telecommunications carriers need to push forward with R&D and implementation of new technologies such as Beyond 5G and generative AI, as well as to develop and maintain the information and communications infrastructure, including the dissemination of broadband services throughout Japan, which are necessary for large-scale data distribution, and continuous and stable operation of such services.


On the other hand, information and communications is an important infrastructure and service that is indispensable for economic activities and social life, the disruption of information and communications networks due to natural disasters such as earthquakes, typhoons, or torrential rains, telecommunications accidents and failures, cyberattacks, etc., would have a serious impact on society and the economy. Accordingly, it is necessary to always take through countermeasures against disasters, failures, security attacks, and to develop an environment in which information and communications services can be used safely and securely.


Given this, as well as our aim to fulfill our social responsibility as an organization consisting of telecommunications carriers playing central roles in DX, the Telecommunications Carriers Association will promote initiatives to contribute to the sound development of telecommunications business, such as ensuring the safety and reliability of information and communication networks, in addition to contributing to consumer support, social contributions, and other areas. All members of the Telecommunications Carriers Association will continue to work as hard as we can, while competing with one another, towards the further growth of the info-communications industry, with our first priority being to improve convenience for the people of Japan, in this fiscal year as well.

June, 2024