ICT分野におけるエコロジーガイドライン協議会(注)(以下「協議会」という。)は、「ICT分野におけるエコロジーガイドライン」(平成22年2月第1版策定、平成22年12月1.1版改訂。以下「ガイドライン」という。)の第2版案について、本日から平成23年2月28日(月)までの間、広く皆様のご意見を募集します。 |
(注) 平成21年6月26日に、社団法人電気通信事業者協会、社団法人テレコムサービス協会、社団法人日本インターネットプロバイダー協会、一般社団法人情報通信ネットワーク産業協会及び特定非営利活動法人ASP・SaaSインダストリ・コンソーシアムの5団体より発足した協議会。
- LTE基地局装置、整流器、ストレージ装置の評価指標及び基準値等を追加
- サーバ装置のアイドル状態における基準値を追加
- データセンターの評価結果の表記方法の追記
資料 「ICT分野におけるエコロジーガイドライン第2版(案)」
参考資料 「Ecology Guideline For the ICT Industry Version 2(Draft)」
参考資料 「ICT分野におけるエコロジーガイドライン第2版(案)概要」
電子メールアドレス: enq@tca.or.jp
意見募集係 宛
FAX番号: 03-3502-0992
意見募集係 宛
- 意見をFAXで提出する場合、別途その内容を記録した磁気メディアの提出をお願いします。なお、送付いただいた磁気メディアについては、返却が出来ませんのであらかじめご了承願います。
送付先: 〒105-0003 東京都港区西新橋1-1-3 東京桜田ビル4F 社団法人電気通信事業者協会内 ICT分野におけるエコロジーガイドライン協議会事務局 意見募集係 宛 |
February 10, 2011
ICT Ecology Guideline Council
Announcing a call for public comments concerning the
“Ecology Guideline for the ICT Industry Version 2”
The ICT Ecology Guideline Council1 (hereafter referred to as Council) calls for public comment on its “Ecology Guideline for the ICT Industry (hereafter referred to as Guideline)” (initial version: February, 2010; revised version: December, 2010). Public comments from a broad audience on the Guideline, version 2 draft, shall be accepted from now until Monday, February 28, 2011 (12 noon, Japan time). |
1: The ICT Ecology Guideline Council was established on June 26, 2009 by the Telecommunications Carrier Association, Telecom Services Association, Japan Internet Providers Association, Communications and Information network Association of Japan, and the ASP-SaaS Industry Consortium.
With the conviction that an industry-wide effort to further strengthen measures to prevent global warming was vital, the Council established and announced the Guideline in February, 2010 to indicate a guideline for telecommunications services providers when creating a procurement standard for purchasing energy-efficient equipment and data center services.
With the announcement of the Guideline, self-assessment results of efforts to reduce CO2 emissions by respective telecommunications services providers was made public, and from December, 2010, the assessment outcome information of vendors and data centers were also disclosed.
The Council continued to discuss such matters as adding new equipment covered by the Guideline and reviewing normative references, leading to the compilation of the draft for version 2 of the Guideline announced today.
We thus call upon a broad spectrum of people and organizations to submit comments on this draft for version 2 of the Guideline, starting today until Monday, February 28, 2011 (12 noon, Japan time).
Outline of the Guideline version 2 draft
- Addition of figure of merit for LTE base stations, rectifiers and storage equipment.
- Addition of normative reference for idle state in the server equipment category.
- Addition of assessment outcome indication methodology for data centers.
Submitting comments
(1)Revised sections (underlined) of the “Ecology Guideline for the ICT Industry Version 2 (Draft)”
(2)Accessing material
The Guideline can be downloaded from the Council webpage.
Original Japanese version:
“Ecology Guideline for the ICT Industry Version 2 (Draft)”
Reference material: Unofficial English version
“Ecology Guideline for the ICT Industry Version 2 (Draft)”
Reference material:
“Ecology Guideline for the ICT Industry Version 2 (Draft) Summary”
(3)How to submit comments
Please submit comments in either of the following formats. Make sure to clearly indicate your address, name, and company/organization name. (Please submit your comments in Japanese)
[1] E-mail: send e-mail comments to: enq@tca.or.jp
Public comment contact
ICT Ecology Guideline Council Secretariat
Telecommunications Carriers Association
[2] Fax: send facsimile messages to: 81-3-3502-0992
Public comment contact
ICT Ecology Guideline Council Secretariat
Telecommunications Carriers Association
- In the case of facsimile messages, please also send a separate magnetic medium containing the message to the address below. Furthermore, please note that the magnetic medium cannot be returned.
Address: Public comment contact ICT Ecology Guideline Council Secretariat Telecommunications Carriers Association Tokyo Sakurada Bld. 4Fl 1-1-3 Nishi Shinbashi Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0003 |
(4)Deadline for submitting comments
Monday, February 28, 2011 (12 noon, Japan time)
(5)Reminders in submitting comments
Comments are scheduled to be posted on the Council webpage. Attribute information submitted with the comment, such as individual names, if authored by an individual or company names if authored by an incorporated entity, may be publicly disclosed. Personal information made known to the Council in the process of submitting the comment, such as e-mail address, will only be used in such cases as confirming unclear content of the comment. Please note that response to individual comments will not be made.
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